Monday, 19 December 2016

63 Old Age

19 December 2016

With my sudden drop in fitness and strength it occurred to me today that I feel old. I remember my Dad saying while in his sixties that inside he didn't feel any different from when he was young. The loss of strength and ability is usually so gradual the it is not noticed as being different from last year or the one before. Perhaps that is why we have that illusion of sameness. as we grow older so there is no need to re-define ourselves as being in a different age category.

Those of us that do sports usually have an objective measure which clearly show the effect of age. Certainly for myself there has been a large reduction in my performance cycling and running. Actually I don't call it running any more, it has moved into the category of jogging. Today on my trip into town my movement felt a bit more like the picture on the left. My excuse was that I was going carefully because it was icy.

In my 30's I remember saying that I looked forward to the time when I could walk for fitness rather than run at great speed. What I didn't realize then is that each moment is exactly the right time to look around at the beautiful view and take a deep breath and enjoy being alive. Don't look forward; don't look back; Just look now.

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