Wednesday, 7 December 2016

51 Turtles

7 December 2016

I am slowly getting used to the idea that this might be a food-less Christmas with the strongest drink being de-fizzed soda water! I think one of the treats that I will miss the most and always overdose on are Turtles!

OK, I am just making myself miserable by thinking about something that might or might not happen in the distant future. How silly and why not just live in the only time we have, which is the present?  Well in this present I am sitting under a food bag with a tube into my stomach via my nose. I'd rather think about Turtles!

I did make the important discovery today, that I can run the food bag much faster. I had a mildly unpleasant feeling of fullness if the drip feed was more than 2 drops per second but it's fine to run the flow much faster and then the whole process is over much more quickly.

This morning I exercised on the bike and this afternoon Bill helped me move and store some of the heavy equipment (Junk) in the garage. Now we will be able to drive the 2 cars into the garage away from the snow. I have minimized the tasks but feel that I am neglecting my machinery by omitting some of the important maintenance tasks like oil changes. But that can wait till Spring when I should have more energy. As Clint Eastwood said, "A man's got to know his limitations."

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