Sunday, 11 December 2016

55 The Last Spike

11 December 2016

Today was a historic moment but I forgot to take a picture. For many weeks now the equipment and junk in our garage has been gradually tidied, stored or just thrown out and this morning only a few small items remained. I had calculated that with my limited energy I would just be able to complete the task before the forecast snow storm. I felt a bit like Lord Strathcona when in 1885 he drove in the last spike of the CPR.

The timing was perfect because Cheryl had been called out as an emergency replacement to make up a table of four for a cribbage breakfast in Williamstown. I knew I could complete the task in her absence so when she returned in her car she could drive into the garage. I had told her nothing of my plans so I knew she would be overjoyed at the long awaited opening.

The task was accomplished in time and Cheryl was very happy. I was also happy and relieved that with just a few millimetres to spare there was enough room to launch the snowblower with both cars parked in the garage. So, we are ready for snow!

I am feeling quite exhausted this evening because I did my half hour biking as a celebration of the garage completion and this afternoon Bill dropped in to help me with further chores outside. I really should just plan one task per day but there is a huge satisfaction in being able to cross items off a list that has existed for a long time. It's very hard to resist the temptation to do just one more thing. It's almost like a narcotic addiction!

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