Saturday, 19 November 2016

35 Strange Events

19 Nov 2016

I had a humble day and everything Cheryl told me to do, I did.  She loves it when she is right and I am wrong. I sometimes think it's actually worth making deliberate errors so she has more opportunities to correct me. I woke at 4:00am and started on my email list but I felt sleepy and asked myself "what would Cheryl do?"
 So, I went back to bed and slept from 5:00 to 6:30.  She was happy to hear my news when she woke. My BP and temperature were all normal so I was looking forward ta a relaxing day with nothing on the agenda for either of us.

  It is a rare luxury to have a zero to-do list especially when at home. Even now I am retired there is always lots that needs fixing. and when we go South to Florida is the only time I normally experience the zero agenda.

So, it came as a surprise when late morning my temperature started to rise and by lunch time it was getting close to 40deg. I had bouts of freezing cold and mostly pouring sweat and the pattern was identical to yesterday which everyone (except me) blamed on my over exertion while working in the garage. My temperature peaked at 2:30pm and then started to drop steadily and by 7:00pm it was down to 37.
Since this was the third day the same pattern had occurred it seemed most likely that it was a reaction to one of the new antibiotics that I had just started. We had thought of heading to the hospital emergency but decided to wait and and see and by evening I was fine.
I should mention at this point that I felt a certain amount of satisfaction that my tire changing exertion yesterday was clearly not the cause of the temperature rise. I didn't make much mention of it but I think it frees me up to go for a bike ride tomorrow. I might change those plans though if the forecast snow storm appears.

I have taken my last dose of one of the new medications so tomorrow will be an interesting test of the medication reaction explanation for the temperature rise.

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