Wednesday, 23 November 2016

39 Glitch

23 November 2016


Pneumonia still present. likely cause, aspiration due to difficulty swallowing.
Solution is tube feeding. Very complex and not pretty.

I had started to reduce the pain meds but that will have to wait.  Most of my time will be spent on getting food & water to the right places.

1 comment:

  1. Geoff, I am with you in thought and hope that your pneumonia resolve for starters. I had foot surgery on Oct 6 and was given tramadol, not as strong as hydromorphine and it was hard to come off of it so i feel for you in your attempt to decrease. It seems to decrease your tolerance to pain but if you need it, go for it!
    I follow your blog regularly and you bring a dose of reality to your journey. May you heal completely whatever time it takes
