Saturday, 26 November 2016

41 Feeding Schedule

26 November 2016

It is so complicated working out a schedule for taking my water, liquid food, and medications that it reminds me of when we had 2 infants to keep alive, and hopefully thrive. It isn't easy at our age but one item I don't have to worry about too much is - diapers - yet!
An additional complication is that while we both go to bed at around 9:00 pm, I usually get up at 4:00am and Cheryl at 8:00am.
Even though I am tube feeding while gazing longingly at the delicious meal Cheryl is eating, we do like to eat together so we can talk about the day. So, I think we now have a plan that should work.

We were helped a lot by the CCAC home visiting nurse Kristina. She was the same one that did my dressing changes after the motorcycle accident. We requested her since she is so competent and always warned me before she ripped off the tape and back hair!

OK, reality check here. I am much too flippant about quite a miserable time so it may be appropriate to start cutting back on the pain meds.  I had started a reduction a few days ago but I paused due to the recent problems so I think a small reduction is appropriate.

In truth, I do feel somewhat depressed about the feeding tube even though I know it is an essential step for recovery. When we first went to the hospital at the start of radiation I saw someone with a similar tube and It was a very negative image for me. I know I should be repeating some positive self statements like - "The tube makes sure that only air goes to my lungs so they can recover". But, I don't seem to be able to find the energy to do it. I'll ask Cheryl to do some therapy on that. She is being a big help with the food but now we have that sorted she can perhaps straighten out my mind.

In the last two days two people have said I am looking healthier than last week and that is very encouraging. Also, I have stopped that endless unproductive coughing so this may be the beginning of an improvement for my lungs.

I see my oncologist and the speech pathologist on the 1st of Dec and they will look at how my swallowing ability has recovered on the 6th Dec with an x-ray video of me drinking a barium laced dry martini. I think if I can make it all go to my stomach and none into the lungs then the second one is also on the house! It should be good training for Christmas.

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