Friday, 11 November 2016

27 Battle of the egg

11 November 2016

I had another good sleep last night but was up at 4 to sip my liquid breakfast and crushed pills. It was cool outside but I decided to get back to my minimal exercise routine. So after wrapping up well I went out on the bike for an easy paced 8km. Then I did some core exercises and I made a start on the shoulder exercises I have to repair the accident injury.
My neck is showing some evidence of the accumulated radiation but I do have a nice tan. Luckily we have all the right medications to prevent infection and promote healing. Close your eyes if you are a bit squeamish! I suspect that there will eventually be some nice new pink skin there and I will have the neck of a 30 year old!

 The major task scheduled for the morning though was helping Cheryl dye her hair. It may come as a shock to some of you that she is not a natural redhead. My task is to spread the dye on the back of her head. When that was completed I rested till just after lunch when we went to Town for some shopping. Actually I just rested in the car and completed memorizing the instruction manual for my new motorcycle while Cheryl did all the rushing around she loves so much. We make a great team!

At dinner time I was craving real food but the nutritionist had insisted on liquid food only for the next two weeks. So, I told Cheryl I was going to have an egg and toast, and she said I wasn't. I told her that I had thought of a method that might work and that she should withhold judgment. So, I made the egg and some toast drenched in butter. After taking a small bite of each I proceeded to chew for about ten minutes and then opened my mouth to show her the magic change. The raw food had been totally transformed into a creamy beige paste with an even texture and no lumps. So I swallowed it and collapsed on the floor in a fit of choking! No, just kidding. Of course it went down so easily and she had to concede that it was OK!  Since I am now off the steroids my throat may become more swollen but I couldn't miss the last chance for a while at something tasty!

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