"May you live in interesting times" is not usually meant as a blessing but may have it's origin in a Chinese curse.

Actually I am finding this a most interesting time and I am
learning all sorts of things about this journey. In one sense we (our age group) are all in the same stage of life and I just
happen to be lucky enough to have more detailed info about my future
than the rest of you in the 70 plus age range. It is quite possible that I will be attending one
of my friends funerals before I attend my own! Especially the way some of
them drive! One important thing I have learned is that I am not my pain. My pain is well managed most of the time. My days have some discomfort but also have joy and delight. It's true that I have had to give up some activities but I have found others to substitute. One example is my blog
which is very satisfying and it is the first time I have ever done any
creative writing . It's about myself and for someone as historically
private as me it's a whole new adventure that yields great satisfaction.

My feeding problems have also forced me to reduce my recreational exercise and live on fewer calories. Cycling is one activity I didn't want to give up so I have converted my mountain bike to electric assist. I can now go for long rides with minimal exertion. Of course I have one of the most powerful electric motors installed so I am able to overtake those young lycra-clad racers like they are standing still. That's only on power level number 2. I wonder what power level 5 will be like!

In my recent visit to my medical specialists it seems like the cancer is progressing quite rapidly and my life expectancy is estimated at a few months with one or two years at the very most. This is useful information since I tend to work at a relaxed pace and leave things to the last minute. There are a few projects I want to finish so I had better get to work. Well, perhaps not today. The weather is perfect and I will invite Cheryl to go for a bike ride this afternoon! Save the other stuff for the rainy days!
bottom line is you can be happy for me because I am coping well enough with
issues that can be hard. People often say "I have lived a good life." I think that's true for me but I would add that "I am living a good life." As a psychologist I have always had to be
comfortable with the harsher realities of life that others might hide from
with delusion or denial. I
can summarize my attitude with --- "Don't Worry, be Happy"or one of my favourite sayings "worry is optional."
Have a good day 💕
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