Sunday 30 July 2017

94 Food Shortage

July 2017

I have been having increasing problems with feeding this month. I am having stomach pain and it seems to be caused by slower emptying of the stomach. As a result my weight is dropping again and I am down to about 136 lbs.  At that rate by late 2019 I will be down to my birth weight of 9 lbs 3 oz!

We were not able to see Dr. Saloogee (gastroenterologist) as he was on holiday but we were at the pain program and the doctor started me on a new medication that might kick start my lazy stomach. So far it doesn't seem to be helping much but we will wait and see Dr. S when he returns next week.
My previous MRI scan showed the cancer has spread to the left side of my neck and Dr. El-Sayed said there are some affected lymph nodes there that could be treated with further radiation. It is possible that my left side vagus nerve is now affected by the cancer and this might explain the increased stomach problems.

One piece of good news is that my complaining has resulted in getting my status upgraded with the CCAC. My new palliative care status is similar to being upgraded to business class on a flight and I get frequent visits and much more attention from nice nurses who try to meet my every need!

Biking 28th July

My energy level is lower than normal and Cheryl really enjoys this because we are much more compatible when walking or biking together. Sometimes we have races to the top of a hill and Cheryl feels really good when she beats me - Wonder Woman!! The photo was on one of our early morning rides and that's why we are dressed well. The rides are only about 10 km but very enjoyable. Unlike in years past, I have no computer on the bike and I don't feel the need to set any speed records!

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