Sunday, 30 October 2016

15 Re-cycling

30 October 2016

The routine now reminds me of those days before retirement when we would look forward to the weekends as a rest from work. Now my regular weekday visits to the hospital make me appreciate again the total freedom on the weekends. Our delightful neighbours Steve & Sandi still work full time and they joined us for morning coffee today.

After my morning caffeine shot I was able to get out for a proper bike ride for the first time in 7 weeks. It was only a half hour ride but it felt so good to be on a real bike again. The cold weather was a shock and I usually have a gradual acclimatization period during the Fall but this was a rude awakening. I was so chilled after the ride that I headed over to Hillary's hot-tub for a warm up and then came home for a nap.

You can see from the photo that I have been neglecting my chores and the ground is littered with huge numbers of these orange things. Luckily I have a machine in the garage that will blow them away but I have to wait for them to dry out. I don't feel my usual enthusiasm to do the Fall clean up chores. and I have a strong urge to use my limited energy to keep in close touch with friends and relatives. The only exception is that I will be cleaning up a small section of the garage so it is ready to receive the new resident (FJ09)

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