28 October 2016
Completing the treatment session today felt good because of the coming weekend and now there is only one more week (and a day) of treatment left. I am still able to eat some solid food but I have finished with the Steroids so I might be back on liquids.
Today was a big recovery milestone because in the early morning I rode my regular bike on the trainer downstairs for 30 minutes without my left shoulder hurting. It felt so good to be back on a real bike even though it was still indoors. In the past few years I have ridden outside in every month of the year. It really isn't that hard since you dress the same as for cross country skiing. The only problem is that your friends think you are insane! I didn't go very fast this morning but I was sweating and very tired
after the short ride So, what they say about training is true - "Use It Or
Lose It".
Cheryl drove me to Ottawa today and on the return trip I had another episode of radiation induced extreme jaw pain like a severe toothache. Luckily I had my ice-packs with me and much of the pain had left before the evening. Cheryl has been incredibly supportive and I feel sorry for anyone going through this kind of treatment without the benefit of a loving partner. The pain medications cause a lot of confusion and just getting the basic necessities of life organized is a big task. I think the support of friends is also critical for surviving these difficult times. So, to all of you -thanks!
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