Friday 12 May 2017

90 Botched

Yesterday I was scheduled to have an MRI of my head & neck at 5:10 pm. We were stuck in traffic on the way to the Civic Hospital which caused some stress but we were only 5 minutes late for the appointment. When I lay down on the scanner bed I asked for some head support but this wasn't possible due to the camera hardware. I immediately had increased neck pain in this position but my positive thinking was just relax and snooze through the 40 minutes of the test without moving or swallowing. After about 15 minutes the pain reached an intolerable point and I started to vomit so I pushed the panic button.

The staff added some head support but only about a half inch which was the max possible. We re-started the test but the same thing happened after a few minutes and luckily they had the bowl handy. At this point we had to stop since there was no obvious solution.

You can imagine how disappointed I was but there may be a solution. Cheryl offered to accompany me into the scanner room next time with the rolling pin for sedation. One good whack should put me out for the full 40 minutes.

With help from Nadia (the dietician) we have figured out my eating problem. It seems that my stomach is very slow to empty. I started taking Domperidone, which helps with stomach emptying and now I can take more liquid food with little or no discomfort. My weight had dropped to 139lbs one week ago but is climbing and now is at a robust 142 lbs!

Other good news is that I am riding my mountain bike and motorbike lots as well as going on walks. Below is a picture I took today of the Trilliums in the parkway.

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