Sunday, 30 April 2017

89 Unblocked


I do apologize to everyone for the long absence.  I seem to have a bad case of Blogger's Block! I wish I could say don't worry and everything is fine but that isn't quite true. For the past 3 weeks I have had a bad cold which developed into pneumonia. I had a course of antibiotics and now have a ventolin inhaler. The cold is gone but I have a persistent cough and my energy is at a very low level so I think I need some more recovery time.

I am beginning to realize that recovery from the radiation may take as long as recovery from my surgery 4 years ago. I don't normally get colds and my recovery from any ailment in the past has been rapid. Not now though so I must be a patient patient and not expect too much. This time of the year there are so many outdoor tasks that I would normally be busy with but they are setting a good example by patiently waiting without complaining! I am still doing my core exercises and either a short walk or short bike ride each day. By short I really do mean short. Usually the maximum time is half an hour.

My enthusiasm for writing seems to have waned but in order to keep everyone informed of my progress I plan to do a blog entry at the end of each month. So, this is my Blog for April. It hasn't been a very good month so perhaps May will be better. It is a good time of year for walks with all the wild flowers bursting into life. Here is a picture of the Trilliums in the campsites near us taken in May last year. I wish you all a happy Spring!

Saturday, 1 April 2017

88 News

1 April 2017

It's been a while since I wrote a blog so this is a news update.

My swallowing has improved a lot. I can easily drink half a bottle of beer now in the time that I usually take for a whole bottle. I find that carbonated beverages are much easier to swallow so I am going to get a prescription for beer to strengthen my swallowing response. I will also have another X-ray video of my swallowing to ensure I am not aspirating. If the results are good then I will start a gradual transition to real food.

My exercise has been regular with weights, core, cycling, walking and doing Cheryl's job list. I have more energy although I am still very far from my pre-radiation level. My weight is now down to 145lbs. I am hoping that the beer drinking will provide the extra calories that will halt my decline in weight.

I am still having problems with pain from irritated nerves and there are no easy medical solutions. Gabapentin is an anti-convulsant used to treat neuropathic pain. My dose has been increased and this has reduced the pain to something similar to a toothache and luckily it's only present about 30% of the time.

I have been enjoying my new motorcycle and have been out for 4 rides in the past 10 days. The weather has been cold but with my electrically heated vest and hand grips I have stayed warm. So if you see some crazy idiot riding a motorcycle in the next few days, it will be me, so wave!